Tag Archives: ArtBecomesYou natural hair reblog inspiration hairstyle

101+ Black Hair Ideas: Part One


This was blogged by fellow blogger and friend of mine, Lydie E. of Art Becomes You. It’s been a great inspiration for me throughout my natural hair journey, and I hope it helps you too! Happy Reading, copying pasting, reblogging and implementing!

Art Becomes You

Everyone has a bad hair day. At least once fortnightly. That is the scary bitter truth. Instead of panicking, and letting your hair bring you down all day, it is best to have in mind tips that will always come in handy on such days.  When you get a new hairstyle, you have these cool ideas in your head that you just cannot wait to try out. You start experimenting these style ideas and only in the space of a week you’ve exhausted every single one of them. What next? You start getting bored with your hair, which leads to resenting it, which then leads to you not taking care of it…and we all know what happens to neglected hair (bought or natural). People start mistaking you for the Mad Hatter (Google it if you don’t know what he looks like) and we sure do not want that to happen.
I wrote…

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